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Education is that the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of data, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators however, learners can also educate themselves. Education can happen in formal or informal settings and any experience that features a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts could also be considered educational. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy.

Formal education is usually divided formally into such stages as preschool or kindergarten, grade school, lyceum, then college, university, or apprenticeship.

A right to education has been recognized by some governments and therefore the United Nations. In most regions, education is compulsory up to a particular age. Education began in prehistory, as adults trained the young within the knowledge and skills deemed necessary in their society. In pre-literate societies, this was achieved orally and thru imitation. Story-telling passed knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to subsequent. As cultures began to increase their knowledge beyond skills that would be readily learned through imitation, formal education developed. Schools existed in Egypt at the time of the center of the Kingdom.

Matteo Ricci (left) and Xu Guangqi (right) within the Chinese edition of Euclid's Elements published in 1607
Plato founded the Academy in Athens, the primary institution of upper learning in Europe. The city of Alexandria in Egypt, established in 330 BCE, became the successor to Athens because of the intellectual cradle of Ancient Greece. There, the good Library of Alexandria was inbuilt the 3rd century BCE. European civilizations suffered a collapse of literacy and organization following the autumn of Rome in CE 476.

In China, Confucius (551–479 BCE), of the State of Lu, was the country's most influential ancient philosopher, whose educational outlook continues to influence the societies of China and neighbors like Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Confucius gathered disciples and searched vainly for a ruler who would adopt his ideals permanently governance, but his Analects were written down by followers and have continued to influence education in East Asia into the fashionable era.

Education goes beyond what takes place within the four walls of the classroom. A child gets an education from his experiences outside the varsity also as from those within on the idea of those factors. There are three main sorts of education, namely, Formal, Informal, and Non-formal. Each of these types is briefly described below.

1.Formal Education

Formal education is typically in class, where an individual may learn basic, academic, or trade skills. Small children often attend a nursery or kindergarten but often formal education begins in grade school and continues with lyceum. Post-secondary education (or higher education) is typically at a university or university which can grant a tutorial degree. It is related to a selected or stage and is provided under a particular set of rules and regulations. Formal education is given by specially qualified teachers they are supposed to be efficient in the art of instruction. It also observes strict discipline. The student and therefore the teacher both are conscious of the facts and have interaction themselves within the process of education.

2.Informal Education

Informal education could also be a parent teaching a toddler the way to prepare a meal or ride a bicycle. People also can get an off-the-cuff education by reading many books from a library or educational websites. Informal education is once you aren't studying during a school and don't use any particular learning method. In this sort of education, conscious efforts aren't involved. It is neither pre-planned nor deliberate. It may be learned at some market place, hotel or reception. Unlike formal education, informal education isn't impacted by any institution like school or college. Informal education isn't given consistent with any fixed timetable. There is no set curriculum required. Informal education consists of experiences and truly living within the family or community.

3.Non-formal Education

Non-formal education includes adult basic education, adult literacy education or school equivalency preparation. In non-formal education, someone (who isn't in school) can learn literacy, other basic skills, or job skills. Home education, individualized instruction (such as programmed learning), distance learning and computer-assisted instruction are other possibilities. Non-formal education is imparted consciously and deliberately and systematically implemented. It should be organized for a homogeneous group. Non-form, education should be programmed to serve the requirements of the identified group.


Quality education isn't a simple concept to qualify. At a time once we are discussing a top-quality education for all our learners, it's important to require time to know this idea.

The document Tomorrow's Schools (1995) had asked the subsequent question: "What are considered to be the essential requirements of a top-quality education - one that's meaningful, worthwhile, aware of individuals and social needs - and does each and each student, without fail to get those requirements, regulated as these are by the principle of entitlement?"

According to the Education For All: Global Monitoring Report 2005 - the standard Imperative (EFA: GMR), two principles characterize most attempts to define quality in education: the primary identifies learners' cognitive development because of the major explicit objective of all education systems. The second emphasizes education's role in promoting values and attitudes of responsible citizenship and in nurturing creative and emotional development."

Quality determines what proportion and therefore the way well children learn and the extent to which their education translates into a variety of private, social, and developmental benefits. Goal 6 of the Dakar Framework for Action (2000) emphasizes the need for a stimulating pedagogy. It is the teaching and learning process that brings the curriculum to life, that determines what happens in the classroom and subsequently the quality of the learning outcomes.

The GMR emphasizes six policy issues which directly impact on teaching and learning:

1. Relevant aims. Policy dialogue must reach a relevant balanced set of aims describing what learners should learn and why; the event of cognitive, creative and social skills and values; respect for human rights, the environment, peace and tolerance and cultural diversity. These put citizenship, democracy and human rights at the fore.

2. Subject balance - how subjects are defined, what percentage are taught and therefore the time allocated to every.

3. Good use of time. Positive correlations are noted between instruction time and student achievement at both primary and secondary levels. Between 850 and 1,000 effective hours (not necessarily official hours) of schooling per annum is broadly agreed as a benchmark.1

4. Pedagogic approaches for better learning. Child-centered active pedagogy, cooperative learning and the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills need to be present.

5. Language policy. Language of instruction may be a policy choice affecting curriculum, content and pedagogy. A balance must be struck between enabling people to use local languages in learning and ensuring that they need access to global languages.

6. Learning from the assessment. Regular, reliable, timely assessment is key to improving learning achievement. The goals are to offer learners feedback and improve learning and teaching practices. Formative assessment is needed as a complement to formal examinations.

Given our Maltese educational context, how can we offer quality education? A detailed answer to the present question is beyond the brief of this short article, however, the subsequent observations elicited from the review report give direction for quality primary education in our schools.


When I started brooding about why education is so important, I remembered my highschool years once I wont to spend almost five hours a month on math homework, wake up at 6:00 AM and obtain ready for my PSAL soccer game after school. I remembered my teachers, school subjects, the study and the fun! I never really hated school. But I even have seen many of my peers who hated getting to school; I even have had some friends who didn't just like the idea of studying. Some needed to be up in the school term for recovery. I personally was always focused because I wanted to become a programmer. I know it will be hard and very challenging. However, I believe I can handle the challenge.

The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the planet around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of watching life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the topic of whether education is that the only thing that provides knowledge. Some say education is that the process of gaining information about the encompassing world while knowledge are some things very different. They are right. But then again, information can't be converted into knowledge without education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things, among other things. It is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life. One thing I wish I can do is, to supply education for all: no child left behind and alter the planet for good!!

Education helps to become good students, parents, entrepreneurs, doctors, siblings, and honest citizens. Being in touch with an informed person and having an intelligent conversation with him expands knowledge and introduces particular creativity and joy within the mind.

Education makes the national development process fast. Education develops a good political ideology. The standard of living of its citizens is largely dependent on the level of education the citizens are able to acquire.

The value of education and its significance is often understood from the very fact that as soon as we are born, our parents start educating us about an important thing in life. A toddler starts learning new words and develops a vocabulary that supported what his parents teach him. They educate him who is his father, mother, brother, sister, etc. and how to behave with everyone giving them due respect. They also impart him priceless knowledge about ethics and morals right from the start when he features a tender mind in order that these qualities stick with him for his entire life in the form of conditions.


  1. Quality education should be the goal of our institutions. I appreciate the author's efforts into writing this thoughtful article and sharing his/her insights. I generally want quality content and I found that in your post. The ideas you have shared and changes you have suggested are necessary for preparing our kids for modern challenges. Keep sharing these kinds of articles here. Educational NGOs in South Africa


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