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Showing posts from September, 2020



 Ok guys, these are the inventions and scientific names which changes the world like this:  tuning Fork invented by the conig. The sound was recorded and reproduced for the first time by Edison next. The first law of thermodynamics was introduced by the Joul. Weber scientists introduced the molecular theory of magnetism. And this theory of magnetism improved by the eving. Scientists coulomb invented the law of magnetic forces. Bennett invented the gold-leaf electroscope. Michael Faraday introduced electrolysis. The first theory of Hanson oerested is invented by a wire carrying current behaves like a magnet. E Goldstein proposed the positive rays. JJ Thomson proposed the cathode rays. Proton was discovered by  Rutherford. Neutron was discovered by James Chadwick. Discovery of electrons by millicon. X-rays  invented by rontgen. Artificial radioactivity was discovered by Joliot and iren curie. Artificial transmutation was introduced by Rutherford. Nuclear fission ...


CONTROL OTHER PHONES WITH YOUR MOBILE(SIMPLE TRICK): PROCEDURE TO HACK A MOBILE: install the application into the whom you want to control. here we are providing the two applications in the below.follow the procedure to control. one is for an android version less than 8.1 and another is above for above the 8.1. be careful to use this application. you need to agree and accept all the permissions by studying carefully. then press allow. once you installed the following application into your friend's mobile then you need to open and site called cell tracker. io,  then you need to enter a code that is showing on the application installed mobile. and you need to enter the code on your mobile service called to access the guy mobile. where you can send the commands then you will get according to commands like call history, Facebook data, chat history, taking a live photo, screen recording, screenshots. download the applications from here ; above a...


GSM IS NOTHING BUT GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATION. GSM SIM 800A: HIGHLY MODERN GSM.MOST POPULAR AND ADVANCED GSM CONNECTION BETWEEN GSM AND ARDUINO: WHENEVER WE WANT TO CONNECT THE GSM TO ARDUINO IS QUITE SIMPLE WHY BECAUSE WE HAVE TO MADE ONLY THREE CONNECTIONS. THEY ARE:[TX AND RX AND GROUND] GSM IS AN INTERNATION STANDARD; THERE ARE SEVERAL GSM MODULUS SIM900,SIM 800A,SIM 808,GSM 520 etc, also, there are several subcategories in the above modules. NOTE: the sim 800A can send or receive data over GPRS, send or receive SMS, and voice calls. it can communicate with pc or microcontroller. AT commands are the main communication commands to all gsm modules. AT means attention commands. specifications of gsm 800a: it operates on quad-band 850/1900 MHz. weight around 40grams. current must be more than 1 ampere. supply voltage range 5v-20v. it can hold the sim card. two LEDs are used in it, one is for network led and the other is for ring led. the above-mentioned specifications are s...